Wednesday 19 September 2012

Earn Online 1.5


Some people have always been pondering about making money online.
To be frank it is not that hard to earn from the Internet.
The only problem I could imagine is making a lot of money.
First ask yourself
"Do I want a to make a lot of money"
"Do I just want to make some pocket money"

Today I am only going to talk about Making Pocket Money. As I have not made enough to quit my job.
That I could share with the world.
A week ago. I was introduced to Says dot com. From there I have made a total of RM30++.
It was fun sharing all those links with friends however it took a lot of sweat as well.
Then I found this word when I was using google Keyword search tool to increase my SEO ranking on google, I came across the turk. The first thing I seriously though about was why is there 55millions global search on turkey?

I search it up on google and went into PCMAG and found the definition to this word.
it simply mean work.  Then later I kept on reading it is related to amazon too. Then finally the full use of the word people are actually searching for was amazon mechanical turk.

In the website at  it says make money.
obviously I clicked in to find out more.
and I was once again surprise what people could do now-a-days to earn money online.
you can become someone else's turk (worker) to perform a Human Intelligence Tasks also know as HIT. 
So what are all these work? it can range from writing an article, to finding little infomation inside of a documents and scribing a speech. Mainly work that can be done better by a human rather than a computer. 

How much can you Earn?

It depends on what you are doing. From what I've seen it can range from 0.01 to as much as 100.00 dollars (US Currency).  

The ones I find it much suitable for me was writing a 250-500 article related to the keyword that were given.

Some of the work can sometimes take up a lot of time.
however, if you are someone that wants things to be done by others this website
 would also be very beneficial for you.

Give it a try and good luck :)

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