Friday, 31 August 2012

Context = Money

Bloggers out there and anyone who are already a writer on the internet.
below here is video that will turn all your words. into cash

click right here, to easily register for this great tool.
monetize your page get the most out of it, because I believe they want that too.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Quantity and Quality

The Power of Numbers.

When I say numbers here, do most of you think I am referring to 0~9? If so you’re entirely right because that is exactly what numbers mean. However, I am not referring to simply number alone. I am also referring to number of people.  What can one ant do, compare to what the whole colony do. I have always thought of doing everything by myself. There are times when I can be more efficient, but there are also obstacles that I face in life that can never be done by a single person.  We are just human beings with a pair of hands and a pair of legs. We are certainly not Superman. 

 One Master Class Fighter VS 100 Middle Class Fighters

There are two movies I think would best explain what I want to express here. Ip Man and 300.
What do these two movies have in common? They have a lot of fighting in them like what my titled said? True but you are only 50% correct. What is really in common is that they represent quality. Each of them within the movie has high quality fighting skills.

 Ip Man, he single handedly Challenge 10 black belt fighter, the fight was one sided and he won.(Love this so much watch it 10 times.)

 In the movie 300, Zergsy Send in thousands and thousands of soldiers and warrior but they can’t even penetrate 300 Spartan warriors.  (this is a very gory movie, but the actions is quite good. I would recommend 300)

So what am I trying to say here? Numbers might be able to finish bigger things, but useless “numbers” will only make things worse.

Next time if you are ever playing a game or your voicing your opinion or trying to find people to work with……REMEMBER numbers matters ONLY WHEN THEY ARE HIGH IN QUALITY.

Monday, 27 August 2012

To Blog or not to Blog. Question?

There is a saying

“It is easy to do and easy not to do.”

Explanation: There are many thing in life is easy to do. For example, it is very easy to write down what happen in you day. However, is it easy to do it every day? Do we have the persistence to write a diary, or journalize what happen today, or can you teach yourself to blog daily?

Even for me it is not an easy task.
Often times I run into writer’s block and can’t figure out anything to write when I’m either holding a pen or getting ready to type up an essay. It just never made sense to me why this happens. However, later on I realize I don’t need to remember it, I can simply just write it down so I would remember what is felt like, or what I was thinking about. Always have yourself ready a pen and paper with you, or write it into your phone’s text so you can view it later.

Another problem some people might find it hard is that they can’t find anything to write. So first we need to help you define what “anything” Is. At first I kept thinking how to write, and what I should write. Then it struck me. The term Free Writing came up. Free Writing is to keep writing non-stop for a period of time given. Usually my lecturers would give us a specific topic to write about, and we would concentrate and focus on the topic alone. However, we usually can’t maintain long, so we tend to get lost into our own thoughts. Don’t be startled that there is something wrong with you. Everyone is like that. Just write down whatever you thought about. Don’t even bother about the grammar or punctuation, or capital letter just write your heart out. My lecturer once told me a joke. 

“if you can think of anything to write, just write number 010101010101023054654. If you think I look funny in my dress write it down. If you think the lunch was very bad today write it down. It doesn’t matter what you write just keep that pen moving.”

We want to write to the point when everything is directly transferred into our writings.
Like what I am doing right now. I’s writing everything I know and though about in this particular topic.